How to Give Access to a Google Ads Account

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    How to Give Access to a Google Ads Account

      Understanding Roles and Permissions to Grant Access to Google Ads

      If you’re diving into the world of online advertising, you’ve probably heard of Google Ads. It’s the digital marketing powerhouse that can propel your business to new heights. But hold on a minute – managing Google Ads isn’t a one-person show. You need a team, and with a team comes the need to control who can access your precious ad campaigns. This is where understanding roles and permissions in Google Ads becomes crucial.

      In this post, we’re going to demystify the world of roles and permissions within Google Ads. So, whether you’re an aspiring digital marketer or a seasoned pro, buckle up, because we’re about to take a deep dive into this crucial aspect of online advertising.

      What Are Roles and Permissions?

      Before we delve into the nitty-gritty, let’s start with the basics. In Google Ads, roles and permissions are the gatekeepers of your advertising kingdom. They determine who can access your account, what they can do, and how much control they have over your ad campaigns.

      The “Owner” Role

      Imagine the owner role as the king or queen of your Google Ads domain. If you’re the business owner or the top dog in your marketing team, this crown probably fits you. Owners have the ultimate power. They can grant and revoke access, change permissions, and pretty much rule the roost.

      The “Admin” Role

      Admins are like the trusted advisors to the king or queen. They have almost as much power as the owner, but they can’t boot the owner off the throne. Admins can manage users, edit campaigns, and access billing information – a role not to be taken lightly.

      The “Standard” Role

      Now, let’s introduce the foot soldiers of your Google Ads army – the standard users. They can view and edit campaigns, but they can’t touch the critical account settings. They’re valuable for getting the daily work done but without the keys to the kingdom.

      The “Read-Only” Role

      Last but not least, the read-only role. These folks can see everything, but they can’t make any changes. Think of them as the historians, documenting every move in your Google Ads empire.

      Why Do You Need Different Roles?

      “But why can’t I just give everyone full control?” you might ask. Well, my friend, that’s a recipe for chaos. Different team members have different responsibilities, and granting them appropriate permissions ensures smooth sailing in your advertising voyage. You don’t want the intern accidentally deleting your entire ad campaign, do you?

      My Personal Experience

      Let me share a personal experience that underscores the importance of roles and permissions. Early in my digital marketing career, I made the mistake of giving a new team member admin access without proper training. Long story short, a critical campaign got messed up, and I had a lot of explaining to do to my boss.

      That incident taught me a valuable lesson – never underestimate the power of roles and permissions. Since then, I’ve been meticulous about who gets access to what in my Google Ads account.

      How to Set Up Roles and Permissions

      Setting up roles and permissions in Google Ads is a breeze. Here’s a step-by-step guide:

      • Sign in to Google Ads: Log in to your Google Ads account.
      • Click on the Tools Icon: It looks like a wrench in the upper right corner.
      • Under “Setup,” Choose “Access and Security”: This is where you can manage who gets access and what they can do.
      • Click on “Users”: Here, you can add, remove, or modify users and their roles.
      • Select the User: Click on the user you want to modify, and then click “Edit.”
      • Choose the Appropriate Role: Select the role that fits the user’s responsibilities best.
      • Save Changes: Don’t forget to save your changes. You don’t want to accidentally undo your careful planning.

        The Benefits of Granting Access to Your Google Ads

        The Personal Revelation

        Early in my digital marketing journey, I was a control freak. I believed that micromanaging every aspect of my Google Ads campaigns was the key to success. However, a personal revelation changed my perspective entirely.

        1. Shared Responsibilities

        One of the key benefits of granting access is the ability to share responsibilities. It’s like sharing the load – everyone carries a piece of the puzzle. My experience showed that this leads to more efficient work and faster results.

        2. Collaboration Made Easy

        Access sharing fosters collaboration. When your team members have access to campaigns, they can swiftly respond to changes and optimize ads. This greatly enhances productivity.

        3. Learning and Knowledge Sharing

        Another boon of granting access is knowledge sharing. With team members having access to campaigns, they can teach each other and share fresh ideas. This helps the entire team grow and evolve.

        4. Time and Resource Savings

        Last but not least, saving time and resources. Instead of doing everything solo, you can delegate tasks to others on your team. This allows you to focus on strategic tasks while operational details are handled by others.

        How to Grant Access in Google Ads

        Now that you’re convinced of the benefits, let’s explore how to make it happen.

        • Log in to your Google Ads account.
        • Click on “Settings” in the left-hand menu.
        • Select “Account access” under the “Setup” section.
        • Click the “+ Users” button to add users.
        • Enter the email address of the person you want to grant access to.
        • Choose the access level (e.g., admin, standard, or read-only).
        • Specify which campaigns and resources are available to this user.
        • Click “Send Invitation,” and the user will receive a notification of access.

        Step-by-Step Guide to Giving Access to Google Ads

        My Journey of Discovery

        Early in my career as a digital marketer, I was a fervent believer in maintaining absolute control over my Google Ads campaigns. I thought micromanagement was the path to success. However, a personal revelation changed my perspective entirely.

        Step 1: Sign in to Google Ads

        First things first, log in to your Google Ads account. You need to be in the driver’s seat to grant access.

        Step 2: Navigate to Account Access

        In the left-hand menu, find and click on “Account access.” This is where the magic begins.

        How to Give Access to a Google Ads Account

        Step 3: Add a New User

        Now, it’s time to add the team member or collaborator to whom you want to grant access. Click the “+ Users” button, and let’s get started.

        How to Give Access to a Google Ads Account

        Step 4: Enter Their Email

        Provide the email address of the person you’re inviting. Make sure it’s the correct address, as this is how they’ll receive their access invitation.

        How to Give Access to a Google Ads Account

        Step 5: Choose the Access Level

        Here’s where you have to make a crucial decision. Select the access level that suits the person’s role and responsibilities. You have three options:

        • Admin: This is the top-tier access level. Admins can do almost everything, including managing other users. Reserve this for trusted team members.
        • Standard: Standard users can view and edit campaigns, but they don’t have access to critical account settings. Perfect for those who need to get their hands dirty with campaign details.
        • Read-Only: Read-only users can view everything but can’t make changes. Great for stakeholders who need to monitor progress without the ability to accidentally tweak campaigns.

        Step 6: Specify Access to Campaigns and Resources

        Now, you can specify which campaigns and resources this user can access. Be precise about what you grant access to, ensuring they only have what’s necessary for their role.

        Step 7: Send the Invitation

        With all the details in place, click the “Send Invitation” button. An email notification will be sent to the user, inviting them to access your Google Ads account.

        How to Give Access to a Google Ads Account


        Mastering Access Management: A Comprehensive Guide to Providing Access to Google Ads Accounts

        AspectEmail InvitationUser ID and PasswordManager Account Access
        ProcessSend email invitation from Google AdsShare login credentials directlyLink accounts through Manager
        account to recipient’s email address.Account (MCC)
        Access LevelVarious access levels can be assigned,Full access to the Google AdsFull control over multiple
        including admin, standard, andaccount with the shared loginGoogle Ads accounts under a
        read-only roles.credentials.single manager account.
        SecurityRelies on recipient accepting theCredentials need to be sharedSecurely manage multiple
        invitation and logging in using theirdirectly, potentially posingaccounts without sharing login
        own Google risks.credentials.
        ManagementAccess can be managed and revokedAccess needs to be manuallyEfficiently oversee and control
        within the Google Ads account.changed or revoked by the owner.multiple accounts from one
        manager account.
        CollaborationAllows collaboration with multipleNot suitable for collaborationFacilitates collaboration among
        users without sharing credentials are shared.teams and agencies managing
        different accounts.
        Account StructureAccess is specific to one Google AdsAccess is for the specificCan manage multiple Google Ads
        account.Google Ads account only.accounts within a hierarchy.
        ReportingProvides insights into who accessedNo specific access reporting.Centralized reporting and
        the account and their activities.performance tracking.
        Ease of UseRelatively easy to invite users viaSimple for a single user, butEfficient for managing multiple
        email and assign roles.becomes complex with multipleaccounts in one place.
        Recommended ForCollaborative teams and agenciesLimited scenarios, like soleAgencies, large advertisers,
        needing controlled access.proprietors.or those managing many accounts.
        CentralizationEach Google Ads account must beIndividual logins required forOffers centralized control and
        accessed and managed separately.each account.oversight.



        Best Practices for Granting Google Ads Access

        A Personal Perspective

        Early in my journey as a digital marketer, I was a staunch advocate of maintaining tight control over my Google Ads campaigns. I believed that keeping every detail within my grasp was the key to success. Little did I know that a change in perspective would unlock a world of possibilities.

        Best Practice 1: Begin at the Helm – Sign in to Google Ads

        It all starts with taking the reins. Log in to your Google Ads account; you need to be in the driver’s seat to grant access.

        Best Practice 2: Navigate to Account Access

        Head to the left-hand menu and click on “Account access.” This is where the journey begins.

        Best Practice 3: The Power of Choice – Adding a New User

        Time to invite the team member or collaborator who needs access. Click the “+ Users” button and let’s dive in.

        Best Practice 4: Enter Their Email Address

        Input the email address of the person you want to invite. Ensure it’s accurate, as this is how they’ll receive their access invitation.

        Best Practice 5: Select the Right Access Level

        This is the fork in the road where you must make a crucial decision. Choose the access level that aligns with the person’s role:

        • Admin: The pinnacle of access levels. Admins wield significant power, including user management. Reserve this for trusted team members.
        • Standard: Standard users can view and edit campaigns but can’t access critical account settings. Ideal for those deeply involved in campaign management.
        • Read-Only: Read-only users can view everything but can’t make changes. Perfect for stakeholders who need a watchful eye on progress without risking campaign alterations.

        Best Practice 6: Precision in Access Allocation

        Specify which campaigns and resources the user can access. Be precise about the permissions granted, ensuring they have exactly what’s necessary for their role.

        Best Practice 7: Extend the Invitation

        With all the details ironed out, click the “Send Invitation” button. An email invitation will be dispatched to the user, inviting them into your Google Ads realm.

        Personal Rewards: From Control to Collaboration

        My personal journey from control enthusiast to access advocate taught me invaluable lessons. Granting access isn’t merely about delegation; it’s about teamwork, collaboration, and achieving superior results collectively.

        Ensuring Data Security When Granting Google Ads Account Access

        How to Give Access to a Google Ads Account

        A Personal Perspective

        Early in my journey as a digital marketer, I was a staunch advocate of maintaining tight control over my Google Ads campaigns. I believed that keeping every detail within my grasp was the key to success. Little did I know that data security would become the linchpin of my digital marketing strategy.

        Step 1: Begin at the Helm – Sign in to Google Ads

        It all starts with taking the reins. Log in to your Google Ads account; you need to be in the driver’s seat to grant access.

        Step 2: Navigate to Account Access

        Head to the left-hand menu and click on “Account access.” This is where the journey begins.

        Step 3: The Power of Choice – Adding a New User

        Time to invite the team member or collaborator who needs access. Click the “+ Users” button and let’s dive in.

        Step 4: Enter Their Email Address

        Input the email address of the person you want to invite. Ensure it’s accurate, as this is how they’ll receive their access invitation.

        Step 5: Select the Right Access Level

        This is the fork in the road where you must make a crucial decision. Choose the access level that aligns with the person’s role:

        • Admin: The pinnacle of access levels. Admins wield significant power, including user management. Reserve this for trusted team members.
        • Standard: Standard users can view and edit campaigns but can’t access critical account settings. Ideal for those deeply involved in campaign management.
        • Read-Only: Read-only users can view everything but can’t make changes. Perfect for stakeholders who need a watchful eye on progress without risking campaign alterations.

        Step 6: Precision in Access Allocation

        Specify which campaigns and resources the user can access. Be precise about the permissions granted, ensuring they have exactly what’s necessary for their role.

        Step 7: Extend the Invitation

        With all the details ironed out, click the “Send Invitation” button. An email invitation will be dispatched to the user, inviting them into your Google Ads realm.

        Ensuring Data Security: A Personal Journey

        My personal journey from control enthusiast to access advocate taught me invaluable lessons. Chief among them was the paramount importance of data security. With access comes great responsibility, and it’s crucial to ensure that your data remains safe and sound.

        Common Mistakes to Avoid When Granting User Access

        A Personal Odyssey

        Early in my digital marketing journey, I was a zealous advocate for maintaining strict control over my Google Ads campaigns. I believed that absolute power equated to success. However, my journey taught me that success is often about finding the right balance between control and collaboration.

        Mistake #1: Neglecting the Principle of Least Privilege

        One of the most common blunders is granting excessive access. Admin access might seem like a gift, but overextending privileges can lead to chaos. My experience revealed that limiting access to only what’s necessary for each team member is key.

        Mistake #2: Underestimating the Importance of Training

        Access without proper training is akin to handing a teenager the keys to a sports car without driver’s ed. Without guidance, even well-intentioned team members can make costly mistakes. My personal mishap was granting access to a team member without adequate training, resulting in a campaign mishap.

        Mistake #3: Failing to Monitor and Review Access

        Access management isn’t a set-it-and-forget-it task. Regularly reviewing and updating access permissions is crucial. I learned this lesson when outdated access permissions led to an inadvertent campaign blunder.

        Mistake #4: Ignoring Data Security Protocols

        Data security is non-negotiable. Granting access should never come at the expense of data protection. My journey emphasized the importance of stringent security measures, especially when dealing with sensitive campaigns.

        Mistake #5: Not Documenting Access and Changes

        Without proper documentation, confusion can run rampant. Documenting who has access and any changes made is essential. My personal experience with an undocumented change underscored this point.


        FAQ: How to Grant Access to Your Google Account

        How can I request access to a Google Ads manager account?

        To request access to a Google Ads manager account, follow these steps:

        1. Log in to your Google Ads account.
        2. Click on the “Tools” option located at the top right corner.
        3. Choose “Account access and security” from the menu.
        4. Click on “Invite other users.”
        5. Enter the email address of the person you want to grant access to.
        6. Determine the appropriate level of access.
        7. Click “Send invitation.”

        What should a new user do to gain access to their Google Ads account?

        If you’re a new user seeking access to your Google Ads account, here’s what you need to do:

        1. Check your email for an invitation from Google.
        2. Open the email and click on the provided link.
        3. Create a new Google account or log in with your existing account.
        4. After logging in, you’ll have the necessary access to your Google Ads account.

        How do I share access to my Google Ads account with another user?

        To share access to your Google Ads account with another user, take these steps:

        1. Log in to your Google Ads account.
        2. Go to “Account access and security.”
        3. Select “Invite other users.”
        4. Enter the recipient’s email address.
        5. Define their access level based on your preferences.
        6. Send the invitation.

        How can I remove access for a user from my Google Ads account?

        To remove access for a user from your Google Ads account, perform the following actions:

        1. Sign in to your Google Ads account.
        2. Navigate to “Account access and security.”
        3. Locate the user whose access you wish to revoke.
        4. Click on “Remove access.”

        How do I grant access to a marketing agency or freelancer for my Google Ads account?

        If you want to grant access to a marketing agency or freelancer to manage your Google Ads account, follow these steps:

        1. Log in to your Google Ads account.
        2. Initiate an invitation by entering their email address.
        3. Specify the appropriate access level.
        4. Dispatch the invitation.

        What’s the process for requesting access to a Google Ads account?

        To request access to a Google Ads account, adhere to these steps:

        1. Log in to your Google Ads account.
        2. Access “Account access and security.”
        3. Choose “Invite other users.”
        4. Enter the email address of the account holder.
        5. Indicate the desired level of access.
        6. Transmit the invitation.

        How can I manage user access levels in Google Ads?

        To manage user access levels in Google Ads, follow these instructions:

        1. Access your Google Ads account.
        2. Navigate to “Account access and security.”
        3. Find the user you want to adjust access for.
        4. Modify their access level as needed.

        How can I grant access to someone while maintaining security in Google Ads?

        To grant access to someone while ensuring security in Google Ads, follow these steps:

        1. Log in to your Google Ads account.
        2. Navigate to “Account access and security.”
        3. Initiate an access request for the user by entering their email.
        4. Specify the appropriate access level.
        5. Confirm the request.
        6. Once accepted, the user will gain access while adhering to security settings.

        How can I transfer account ownership in Google Ads?

        To transfer account ownership in Google Ads, proceed as follows:

        1. Sign in to your Google Ads account.
        2. Access “Account access and security.”
        3. Find the user you want to transfer ownership to.
        4. Click on “Manage” and select “Transfer ownership.”
        5. Follow the prompts to complete the transfer process.

        What’s the purpose of an access request in Google Ads?

        An access request in Google Ads is a way to invite users to join an account and manage its campaigns. It enables account owners to control who has access and at what level, ensuring proper management and security.

        How can I gain access to my account?

        To gain access to your account, follow these steps:

        1. Log in using your credentials.
        2. Navigate to the account settings section.
        3. Look for the “Access” or “Security” tab.
        4. Adjust the permissions or share access as needed.

        Where can I find my account number?

        You can find your account number in the account settings or profile section of your account. It’s often displayed at the top of the page.

        What is an audit and why is it important?

        An audit is a thorough review and assessment of your account or activities. It’s important to ensure accuracy, compliance, and performance optimization.

        How do I accept an invitation to be a user on someone’s Google Ads account?

        Accepting an invitation as a user on someone’s Google Ads account involves these steps:

        1. Open the received invitation.
        2. Click the link provided.
        3. Log in or create a Google account.
        4. Follow the prompts to accept the invitation.

        How can I give someone access to my Google Ads account?

        To grant access to your Google Ads account, use these steps:

        1. Log in to your Google Ads account.
        2. Go to “Account Access” or similar.
        3. Add the person’s email.
        4. Set the appropriate access level.
        5. Send the invitation.

        How do I grant access to someone else to manage my Google Ads?

        To grant access to someone else to manage your Google Ads account, follow these steps:

        1. Sign in to your Google Ads account.
        2. Navigate to “Account Access” or similar.
        3. Add their email address.
        4. Specify their role and access level.
        5. Send the access invitation.

        How can I grant access to a colleague or partner to a specific Google Ads campaign?

        To grant access to a colleague or partner for a specific Google Ads campaign, do the following:

        1. Log in to your Google Ads account.
        2. Navigate to the campaign settings.
        3. Find the “Access” or “Permissions” section.
        4. Add their email and set the desired level of access.

        What’s the process for adding a new user to my Google Ads account?

        To add a new user to your Google Ads account, complete these steps:

        1. Log in to your Google Ads account.
        2. Access the “Account Access” or “Users” section.
        3. Add the new user’s email.
        4. Assign their role and permissions.
        5. Confirm and send the invitation.

        How do I receive an email regarding my Google Ads account?

        To receive emails regarding your Google Ads account, make sure your account settings include your current email address. Google will send notifications and updates to that address.

        What’s the procedure for removing a user’s access from your Google Ads account?

        To remove a user’s access from your Google Ads account, follow these steps:

        1. Log in to your Google Ads account.
        2. Navigate to “Account Access” or “Users.”
        3. Find the user’s email.
        4. Select the option to remove their access.

        © PhoenixProject, with full or partial copying of the material, a link to the source is required.


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