SEO Services for Site Promotion

Less efficacy without SEO implementation.

SEO web optimisation is ideal for various businesses selling goods and services via Internet.

Professional SEO services include more than link building and useful content creation. Achievement of desired goals requires complex approach of web project optimization.

Contact us

Key Queries and Website Structure

Optimisation and website promotion relies on exploration of key queries (KQ) - better structured KQ leads to excellent

Copywriting and content structure

Engaging with best copywriters leads to higher SERP position

Meta Tags

Creating clear and accessible meta tags for higher end-user engagement

Continuous Monitoring

Even a perfect website requires constant key metrics monitoring and timely adjustments

Technical SEO

Only websites with excellent technical specifications can lead its niche market.

CIS Europe/USA
Low High


Optimization for Search Engines


From 580 $

Ideal for niche businesses with low competition margin or those taking their first steps in the online environment.

  • Current SEO plan includes regular adjustments and monitoring capped at 4 hours daily.



From 770 $

Perfect for niche businesses specialized on single area, that are undergoing active online promotion phases.

  • Current SEO plan includes regular adjustments and monitoring capped at 5 hours daily.



From 1050 $

Utilised for highly competitive e-commerce and corporate websites that work with online product catalogues. Excellent choice for high growth prospect sites and projects.

  • Current SEO plan includes regular adjustments and monitoring capped at 6,5 hours daily.



Optimization for Search Engines


From 650 $

Ideal for niche businesses with low competition margin or those taking their first steps in the online environment.

  • Current SEO plan includes regular adjustments and monitoring capped at 4 hours daily.



From 850 $

Perfect for niche businesses specialized on single area, that are undergoing active online promotion phases.

  • Current SEO plan includes regular adjustments and monitoring capped at 5 hours daily.



From 1150 $

Utilised for highly competitive e-commerce and corporate websites that work with online product catalogues. Excellent choice for high growth prospect sites and projects.

  • Current SEO plan includes regular adjustments and monitoring capped at 6,5 hours daily.



Optimization for Search Engines


From 650 $

Ideal for niche businesses with low competition margin or those taking their first steps in the online environment.

  • Current SEO plan includes regular adjustments and monitoring capped at 4 hours daily.



From 970 $

Perfect for niche businesses specialized on single area, that are undergoing active online promotion phases.

  • Current SEO plan includes regular adjustments and monitoring capped at 5 hours daily.



From 1 300 $

Utilised for highly competitive e-commerce and corporate websites that work with online product catalogues. Excellent choice for high growth prospect sites and projects.

  • Current SEO plan includes regular adjustments and monitoring capped at 6,5 hours daily.



Optimization for Search Engines


From 780 $

Ideal for niche businesses with low competition margin or those taking their first steps in the online environment.

  • Current SEO plan includes regular adjustments and monitoring capped at 4 hours daily.



From 1 100 $

Perfect for niche businesses specialized on single area, that are undergoing active online promotion phases.

  • Current SEO plan includes regular adjustments and monitoring capped at 5 hours daily.



From 1 400 $

Utilised for highly competitive e-commerce and corporate websites that work with online product catalogues. Excellent choice for high growth prospect sites and projects.

  • Current SEO plan includes regular adjustments and monitoring capped at 6,5 hours daily.


How do we calculate our costs

Our specialty in SEO optimisation is based on analysis and detailed study of your website’s unique circumstances.
Our prices are reasonable compared to competitor’s.

Website theme

Highly competitive business segment SEO optimization by keywords requires significant budgeting – it involves higher labour and time efforts.

Region (GEO)

Locality of your project plays an important role in SEO targeting. Simply put: borderless, multi-lingual world wide web, advanced city or smaller town optimizations are very different in their nature. First two options are more costly, compared to the regional promotion.

Website’s technical specifications

Many sites are lacking technical compatibility with SEO basics required for successful promotion and further optimization by leads, keywords or traffic. We do offer required adjustments and our team would propose the most cost effective solution for you business.

Search Engine Optimization
+ Contextual Advertising


Promotion of websites belonging to family businesses operating in a niche with low competition. Suitable for businesses that are just taking their first steps in the online environment.

From $1 100

  • Providing SEO services: 3 hours per day
  • PPC optimization: 2 hours per day


Suitable for most businesses in the active online promotion phase and with their unique niche in a single subject area.

From $1 420

  • Providing SEO services: 6 hours per day
  • PPC optimization: 4 hours per day


Suitable for e-commerce and corporate websites with online product catalogues operating in a highly competitive environment. It is an excellent choice for large sites and projects with high growth prospects.

Starting at $1 800

  • Providing SEO services: 9 hours per day
  • PPC optimization: 6 hours per day


Can't decide on a package?

Fill in the form below and our managers will contact you today to help you!

    Get a Free Quote
    for Your Website

    Not sure what plan is right for you?
    Get free analysis and a quote for your web project!


    Port folio

    Our highest turnover cases at a glance.

    Best strategical and analytical planning

    SEO Expert

    One of our team member professionals would daily monitor your website ensuring smooth operation

    Honest Data

    Systematic analysis of your websites position within SERPs and conversion rates would include only honest and transparent data.


    Our passionate team offers obligation-free advice and quality support.

    Supervision and Maintenance

    Our experts guarantee you peace of mind while your website is proficiently monitored.

    Attention to detail

    Routine analytical audits conducted by our experts would ensure prompt debugging and the best optimization route possible given your circumstances.

    User Acknowledgment

    Website optimization would make your website accessible and practical for the end user.


    If you are not ready for SEO optimization nor fully understand why you might it, simply start with deep web analytics package that we offer currently at

    249 $

    What’s included:

    • Detailed website report with improvement recommendations.
    • We are obligation-free company that values quality and is not only oriented for profit. We value two way customer-business relationship.
    • Clear ToR indicating current problems and approaches to fix them would quickly push your website to the top of SERPs. ToR suggestions could be further implemented by yourself, freelanced or we could continue working with your project.
    • Discount of $249 on any of the SEO plans that we offer when you decide to proceed and partner with our excellent team!
    Request deep analysis

    What We Offer

    Transparent and explained efficacy

    We would explain the process of achieving current standing of your website and steps we took in order to achieve it. We guarantee all vital information access and explanation, therefore you could fully engage and understand SEO optimization processes.

    Cost effectiveness

    We’ve created carefully tailored SEO promotion strategies that guarantee excellent results and are cost effective, due to one-fits-all approach. All tasks regarding your website analytics are clearly outlined. This helps us and your business to ensure analytical KPI were met and evaluated. Prices start from $1000.

    Fixed price

    We work on a number of requests (100-200 queries) that are optimal for particular project’s needs taking into consideration individual characteristics of the niche market, competitor’s standing and target audience profiling. Such approach increases SERPs positioning and conversions.

    Legislation compliance and safety

    Based on Google and Yandex recommendations, we only use genuine links instead of buying them. Our clientele is protected against various hazardous and malicious filter algorithms used by search giants.



    Other experts rarely go into details and thoughtfully explain the process that was involved in optimization, only showing the end goal, while retaining vital information. We offer key information transition for further support of our clientele even in situations where you’d like to swap to another agency.

    Higher costs

    Individual approach is great and could be offered where required, however, customization incurs higher prices. Other companies might charge up to 250% extra of the real SEO services cost. Our comprehensive SEO support starts from $2000.

    Hidden fees

    Other businesses often have hidden costs, therefore you would need to request estimate detailing (list of all items and their prices) through the manager.

    Illegal and unethical optimization methods

    Many of our competitors are still using link-buying and text content over-optimization. This may lead to giant search engines imposing restrictions and penalties to your website.

    Don’t know where to start?

    Receive 15% discount for our comprehensive web audit and first month off any SEO services.

    We will analyse your website and identify its strengths and weaknesses in 24 hour timeframe. Our managers would help you to decide on the most appropriate SEO plan, followed by cost effective, instant increase in traffic and sales.

      Pay only for results
      No overpayment

      We guarantee results at every step to promote your website! You pay for the result only!

      Confidence in the promise is confidence in your abilities!

      Each client is unique

      And we appreciate it individually and on its own merits

      We think over our every move

      And we always estimate the achieved results reasonably

      Growth of conversion in each project we work on

      That's why so many recommend us

      I need an analysis and SEO plan

      Determine goals and objectives
      Website analysis
      Request an action plan and estimate

        SEO services from PhoenixProject
        3 SEO plans to choose from

        100% security and ethical technologies

        Full control by the client

        You decide what and how much to pay for!

          Submit your application and receive 15% discount on marketing audit.

          Receive 15% discount for our comprehensive web audit and first month off any SEO

          Ending in:










          How to improve the website’s ranking in the top 10 in Google and Bing search engines?

          To improve the website’s ranking in the top 10, it is necessary to divide attention between internal and external optimizations, improve the technical condition of the website, work on the quality of content and loading speed, and also conduct regular website audits and semantic core analysis.

          What services help in website promotion in search engines?

          Services such as Google Search Console, Bing Console, Screaming Frog and Ahrefs help analyze website positions, identify errors, change the website structure and improve visibility in regular search engines.

          What are search engine algorithms and how do they affect website ranking?

          The algorithms of search engines such as Google and Bing determine which websites will be at risk in Google and in what positions. They take into account many factors, including content relevance, website loading speed, features and optimization.

          What requirements do search engines have for SEO optimization?

          Search engines require that websites create modern quality standards, including ease of use, high loading speed, quality content, proper internal and external optimization.

          What is the concept of "comprehensive SEO website promotion"?

          Comprehensive SEO website promotion includes work on optimizing the website structure, improving content, increasing loading speed, analyzing the current state of the website, as well as promoting the website to the top of search engines according to the external optimization counter and working with algorithms.

          How to conduct a website audit and monitor its condition?

          A website audit is carried out using specialized tools such as Screaming Frog, Ahrefs and Google Analytics. It allows you to measure the technical condition of the website, indexing errors, content shortcomings and omissions, as well as assess the current visibility of the website in search engines.

          What factors affect the speed of website loading and its visibility in security?

          Factors affecting the speed of website loading include image size, use of JavaScript and CSS code, server settings and the presence of cache. Fast website loading has a positive effect on its effectiveness in search and ranking.

          How to manage websites to improve their change in accordance with the requirements of search engines?

          To improve the structure of the website to the requirements of search engines, it is necessary to create logical criteria for pages, provide convenient navigation, work out internal links and configure semantic cores to ensure compliance with search queries.

          What is website promotion in search of the level of security?

          Website promotion in search of security is aimed at increasing the position of the website for key search queries, improving the indexing of the website, working with search algorithms and increasing the popularity of the website in Google and Bing.

          What is the cost of SEO services and what affects its settings?

          The cost of SEO services depends on the amount of work, the state of the website as a whole, the level of competition, as well as the need for comprehensive promotion.