SEO promotion project

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Performance results for the period 01.12.2016 to 28.02.2019


A total of 144 queries were monitored, with the following query distribution

  • 77 (53%) queries are not in the top 100 
  • 14 (10%) queries rank between 51 and 100 
  • 11 (8%) requests rank between 31 and 50 
  • 17 (12%) requests rank between 11 and 30 
  • 25 (17%) requests rank between 1 and 10 
  • 5 (3%) requests rank between 1 and 3 

Visibility of the website is 10% as of December 2016


A total of 980 queries were monitored, with the following query distribution

  • 229 (23%) queries are not in the top 100 
  • 90 (9%) queries rank between 51 and 100 
  • 89 (9%) requests rank between 31 and 50 
  • 199 (20%) requests rank between 11 and 30 
  • 373 (38%) requests rank between 1 and 10 
  • 160 (16%) requests rank between 1 and

Visibility of the website is 31% as of January 2019


A total of 144 queries were monitored, with the following query distribution

  • 29 (20%) queries are not in the top 100 
  • 23 (16%) queries rank between 51 and 100 
  • 35 (24%) requests rank between 31 and 50 
  • 37 (26%) requests rank between 11 and 30 
  • 20 (14%) requests rank between 1 and 10 
  • 4 (3%) requests rank between 1 and 3 

Visibility of the website is 8% as of December 2016


A total of 980 queries were monitored, with the following query distribution

  • 261 (27%) queries are not in the top 100 
  • 69 (7%) queries rank between 51 and 100 
  • 87 (9%) requests rank between 31 and 50 
  • 224 (23%) requests rank between 11 and 30 
  • 339 (35%) requests rank between 1 and 10 
  • 134 (14%) requests rank between 1 and

Visibility of the website is 31% as of January 2019

Comparison of website positions in search engine results from December 2016 to January 2019

Positions in Yandex according to Topvisor 

980 positions tracking requests have been added for all timeIn January 2019, the website’s visibility on Yandex was 31%, compared to only 8% in December 2016.


Comparison of website positions in search engine results from December 2016 to January 2019 

Positions in Google according to Topvisor 

In January 2019, the website’s visibility on Google was 31%, compared to only 10% in December 2016.


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Summary of the table “Growth of the share of search traffic relative to total traffic” 

  • At the start of the project, the total traffic to the website was 38,602 visits, with a total traffic of 126,299 visits for January 2019, an increase of 327%
  • For December 2016, there were 9,018 visits from search engines, with 69,326 visits for January 2019, an increase of 769%
  • For December 2016, there were 7,648 visitors registered from search engines, with 56,622 visitors registered for January 2019, an increase of 640%
  • For December 2016, 11,280 direct visits were registered, with 19,653 visits for January 2019, an increase of 74%
  • For December 2016, 10,643 visits were recorded by internal crossings, with 13,405 visits recorded for January 2019, an increase of 26%. 
  • For December 2016, there were 3,769 visits from adverts, with 19,530 visits for January 2019, an increase of 518%
  • For December 2016, there were 3,284 visits from links on websites, with 3,536 visits for January 2019, an increase of 7.7%
  • For December 2016, 463 visits were registered from social media, with 394 visits for January 2019, a decrease of 15%. 
  • For December 2016 there were 4 visits registered from mailing lists with 292 visits registered for January 2019, an increase of 7300%
  • For December 2016 there were 129 visits from saved webpages, with 107 visits recorded for January 2019a decrease of 17%.


For December 2016, there were 12,526 visits from search engines.


For January 2019, there were 76,376 visits from search engines.

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  • 70 789 views
  • 2 287 clicks
  • 3,23 average CTR;


  • 469 243 views
  • 14 827 clicks
  • 3,16 average CTR;

Website performance according to Yandex.Webmaster 

  • At the beginning of the cooperation there were 70,789 website page views by search phrases, with this value increasing to 469,243 views in January 2019, an increase of 662.9%; 
  • As of December 2016, 2,287 clicks were registered from search engines, while in January 2019, 14,827 clicks were obtained, an increase of 648.3%
  • In December 2016 the average CTR was 3.23% while in January 2019 the average CTR was 3.16%, a decrease of 0.07%. This decrease is explained by the fact that Yandex does not count queries with conversions from Google search results in its report, so the CTR was calculated only for Yandex.

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Search engine traffic growth dynamics 

  • The highest growth in search engine traffic was seen in February 2017 (by 29.34%), March 2017 (by 32.29% with a seasonality of +8.9%) and October (by 30.99with a seasonality of 19.9%)
  • Over the whole time of the work on the project, the growth of visits from search engines was 769%. Average monthly traffic growth for the entire period from December 2016 to January 2019 was +7.6%.

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Conclusions on the Mobile Traffic Dynamics table 

  • The largest increase in search mobile traffic was in February 2017 at 36.91%
  • In March 2017, the increase in traffic was 43.52%. In August 2017, traffic growth was 18.19% and in October it was 25.09%. February 2018 traffic growth was 19.38% and April 2018 traffic growth was 20.48%. September 2018 traffic growth was 24.96% and October 2018 traffic growth was 34.71%
  • The mobile traffic growth figures listed above were achieved due to the introduction of AMP pages on the website. This was followed by a rapid increase in mobile traffic on Google in October 2018
  • Over the whole time of work on the project, the increase in visits from mobile devices from search engines was 1773%. The average increase in traffic per month for the entire period from December 2016 to January 2019 is +12.8%.

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  • Depth of view is one of the most important behavioral factors considered by search engines when ranking websites. Depth of view is expressed in the number of pages opened by a user during one visit to a web resource. Depth of view describes how interesting and useful a website is for users
  • In June 2017, the maximum average value of the Depth of view was recorded, and it was 1.92 pages per website visit

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Conclusions on the Web Page Indexing graph 

  • In December 2016, the website had 288 web pages indexed by Yandex spiders. In February 2019, the number of indexed pages increased to 1,154. The growth of useful (indexed) web pages was about 300%
  • As far as the Google search engine is concerned, there is about the same increase in the number of indexed pages. (1,098 indexed web pages, 281% growth).


At the start of the project, TIC was 170. However, after implementation of a number of measures to optimize the website, TIC went up to 400.


On 1 September 2018, Yandex introduced the SQI, an indicator to replace TIC. 

When the new metric was introduced, the SQI for was 850

After Yandex made changes to the SQI calculation algorithm on 26 February 2019, the SQI for dropped to 800. The changes in the SQI calculation algorithm affected all websites. According to Yandex, the changes made to the SQI algorithm will not lead to a decrease in website rankings, as these changes only represent an adjustment to the SQI calculation algorithm.


According to data from Ahrefs servicethe maximum number of donors was recorded in August 2018 (647)

The maximum link weight (maximum number of links) was 28,417. The increase in the number of links in August is a consequence of links placed on internet platforms and catalogs

The drop in link wight in December 2018 is due to some previously posted links dropping out (in addition, some of the statistics on Habr have been disabled).


According to Yandex.Webmaster, over the entire period of the work on the project, the link weight has been building quite smoothly, with no drastic jumps or drops. The link weight graph shows a smooth and stable growth.

We observe a positive trend in link weight growth for the following reasons

  • Regular publication of textual content on credible web resources (, and similar
  • Placing links in blogs, directories and directories 

Due to above mentioned, as well as the increase in natural links, at the moment we have a stable growth of the link weight. In addition, quality donors were obtained. During all this time, 323 topical articles were published on trustworthy web resources through the service Miralinks, as well as 135 articles through the service PRnews. Below we have listed a few web resources where we published articles.

Conclusions on the overall project 

Over the course of the project, the following was achieved

  • Raise 130 queries to Top 3, 319 queries to Top 10, and 187 queries to Top 30 in Yandex
  • To raise 155 queries to Top 3, 348 queries to Top 10, and 182 queries to Top 30 in Google
  • Increase website visibility in Yandex search results by 23% and in Google search results by 21%; Increase total traffic to 126,299 visits, a 327% increase; 
  • YIncrease traffic from search engines to 69,326 visits or 769
  • Growth (average monthly traffic increase of +7.6%
  • Increase traffic from search engines to 56,622 visitors, corresponding to 640% growth
  • Increase the number of page views for search phrases to 469,243, corresponding to a growth of 662.9%
  • Increase the number of clicks in search engine results to 14,827, corresponding to an increase of 648.3%
  • Increase the number of visits from mobile devices from search engines by 1,773%;
  • The average monthly traffic growth was +12.8%
  • Increase the number of website pages indexed in Yandex by 300% and in Google by 281%
  • Increase TIC from 170 to 400
  • Achieve an SQI of 850 (however, due to the introduction of a new algorithm for calculating the SQI, the value has decreased to 800)
  • Reached a peak of 647 donors and 28,417 links as of August 2018
  • Placed 458 relevant text articles on credible web resources through Miralinks and PRnews.

Case results SEO promotion project

total traffic
PS traffic
increase in clicks
site visibility


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